I’ve Been Nominated For The Liebster Award!

katThis cutie pie Kat, whom I’ve recently made acquaintance via her blog katpegimana has just nominated me for a Liebster Award!

I’m having such a beautiful Sunday as it is and with this award my Sunday has spiraled into a superb one! I’m still swooning but I shall try to keep myself in control. Thank you Kat, I truly appreciate it. I think “this is a start to a beautiful friendship” but Bogart aside, you are a nice girl and you had me at this mini van kat1 when I was reading through your Street Life WPC. That was all it took, for me to like the rest of your already beautiful blog as I’m a fan of the 70s and was flabbergasted to see that such vans still exists in Malaysia. Ok, I’ll stop buttering you up but wait…..I’m not 😉

Anyway, I’ll get to the part of answering your questions now:

1) Who or what inspired you to start blogging?
Time and beautiful surroundings did. I retired early and therefore have time on my hands and I wanted to make the best out of it. So, coupled with the beauty of South Africa and hopefully a lot more beautiful places in the future, I would keep journal-ling photos of places and people I see and meet in my life. I want people all over the world to get a taste of cultures and life outside theirs when I share my stories.

2) If you could wake up tomorrow somewhere other than where you are right now, where would that be?
That’s simple. It would be Singapore and I would be sitting right next to my dad, talking about my late mom, who is no longer with us since December 2013. I would also be spending plenty of time playing and having fun with my siblings.

3) What do you never leave home without?
My mobile phone. It is very important to me because I want to stay connected to family and loved ones who are not in the same country with me currently.

4) What has been your favourite blog post to write?
Presently, that would be one of WordPress’ Weekly Photo Challenge, themed Treasure. I wrote about my late, great, grandfather and I’m very fond of him. He was one of my mentor and was selfless when it came to caring for our family. I love him.

5) If you were given an opportunity to learn a foreign language, what language would it be?
French! I want to show the crap off (ooops! pardon the ‘french’, please) to them that I can speak and understand the language so I don’t feel inferior among them ever again! No offence intended, though. Oh… plus, the language always sounds gentle and caressing to me 🙂

6) Do you prefer rain or sunshine?
Sunshine, because I can see clearer at my age – heeee…… 😀
Seriously though, I love taking leisure walks and people-watch and doing these while the sun shines certainly provides more ease.

7) Are you a sweet or savoury person?
That’s a tough question. I would go with savoury because when you’re brought up in Singapore and especially in my family, sweet is very rare as we are all ‘spicy’ people. I go for sweet only when the cravings for it comes.

Now, here are my nominees……
1) Wright Lighting
2) The Ellieverse
3) Psychosomatically In Love
4) Tanza-Longs
5) ianrodger
6) Chasing Butterflies: Sunshine and Freedom
7) Duniya Ku

Dear Nominees, should you choose to accept this award:
Thank the blogger that nominated you and answer the questions you were given. Nominate up to 11 other bloggers with less than 500 followers, link to your nominees, let them know you nominated them and give them questions to answer.

My questions to the nominees are:

  1. What do you like about blogging?
  2. What inspired you to blog?
  3. What has been the proudest moment in your life so far?
  4. If you could spend up to a week in your life sharing with a person or people you love, who would you spend it with (living or dead)?
  5. What is the one thing you would take along with you when you leave home, other than your phone?
  6. What is your favorite activity in public?
  7. If you had a magic lamp, what would be the one wish you wish for?

Congratulations to the nominees! I take this opportunity to thank folks who are re-visiting or visiting my blog for the first time and hope you enjoy your trips here. Happy Trails!


8 Comments Add yours

  1. Tanzalongs says:

    Congratulations to you – well deserved

    1. L says:

      Thank you my friend 🙂

    1. L says:

      Sama2 (you’re welcome in Malay), my dear 🙂

  2. raroto says:

    Heartiest congratulations on the award L, and thanks a million for nominating me. Truly appreciate the kind thoughts 🙂

    1. L says:

      Its my pleasure – enjoy… coz you deserve it 😉

  3. Congratulations on your nomination. Very well deserved. Thank you so much for the nomination. Hope you´re having a great day!

    1. L says:

      Thank you, Giana. Congratulations to you too. You have a wonderful blog and you deserve it!

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